The first two rules of science are the same first two
rules for US jury duty and also the same first two rules for seeking the
truth. And they (including a third rule which comes from the first
two) are:
- Keep an Open Mind
- Something is just a theory and not a factor until
you have proven it beyond a reasonable doubt. Also keep in
mind that as you and science and the world continue learning, you
need to revisit this item 2 to see if it is still valid with new
discoveries and learning.
- Never begin with the Answer.
- Ron Plachno (learning from College and then Jury Duty and
then logic - paraphrased from 2nd book)
Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Albert Einstein
Reality is Merely an Illusion, Albeit a Persistent One
Albert Einstein
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. - Wayne
Gretzky (hockey player)
By Their Feet Shall You Know Them Ron Plachno
(from 2nd book) The idea here is that people often say one thing
but believe or do another. For example, when we had stores, a lady
walked in the door one day and said that the best way to advertise is on
her radio station. What is the problem here? Her words said
one thing, but her feet said that the best way to advertise was personal
contact walking in the door. I believed her feet and said "No
History is a set of lies agreed upon
Napoleon Bonaparte
The Difference between a winner and a loser is often just inches or
seconds Ron Plachno (2nd book)
The problem is not the problem. The problem is
your attitude about the problem
- Captain Jack Sparrow, Disney Movie Pirate
Those who are not Students of History are often doomed
to become TV commentators. - Ron Plachno (2nd book)
"War" is when your government tells you whom the enemy
"Hate mobs" are when your politicians tell you whom the enemy is.
"Voting them out" is when you figure it out yourself.
(This I modified from the original by a writer called "anonymous" - whom
I have learned writes often and in large volume)
The problem with most proposed systems of government
is that sooner or later someone must plant the food, someone must sew
the clothes, someone must build the houses, someone must make the
energy. - Ron Plachno (2nd book)
Some people talk the talk, others walk the walk - told
to me by an African American Technician at Motorola. While this
may strike some as not the best English, it struck me as sincere
prophetic wisdom - that I wished more would understand
Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
This appears to be a modern rewording, by Andy Hunt and likely others
of a Robert Daly quote in 1826
"live fish swim against the stream, while dead ones float with it,"
If abortion and euthanasia are such great ideas, why
is it that people for these concepts seldom seem to volunteer for them
themselves? - Ron Plachno
Why is it that when most people are asked what one
item they would like on a desert island never answer "a boat"?
- Author unknown
Freedom is like a tunnel; by that I mean that you can
only go in half way, and then you start to come out the other side. And
when you begin to come out the other side, you can only do so by taking
rights away from others. Ron Plachno
"Creativity is intelligence having fun."
- Albert Einstein
"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because
thorn bushes have roses."
- Abraham Lincoln
You do not need a parachute to jump out of an
airplane. You need a parachute to jump out of an airplane twice.
- Author unknown
Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and
a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the
recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99%
Marvin Simkin, "Individual Rights", Los Angeles Times, 12 January
People who say that science disproves the existence of
God know nothing about science or logic. It is quite
impossible to prove the "negative set" of logic, that Someone or some
thing does not exist. A person would have to go to every point in
the universe - the real one not just the one we see - at every point in
time since the beginning of the universe - and worse - they would have
to know What to look for. It is a fool's game and a logical
impossibility to say that God does not exist. So, believe what you
wish. And I for one will respect that decision as a belief.
- Ron Plachno
Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an
opening statement. - Ronald Reagan
Cant we all just get along? - Rodney King
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